Support Derby



Age: 4
Birthday: April 8, 2018
Gender: Male
Location: Denver, CO
Handler: Meg and Payne

My Story:

Pia’s partner is Derby, and together they make quite a team throughout the Denver healthcare system.  Whether visiting folks who are recovering from spinal cord injuries, or just hanging out with kids on the pediatric floor, Derby loves to listen, nuzzle, and encourage everyone he encounters.  Derby’s dad is Payne Stoddart and together with Meg and Pia, they make a formidable foursome.

“Thank you for your support and for joining me on my journey to provide and teach comfort!” – Derby

Comfort Connections is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization — EIN 84-4773759. All the contributions are tax-deductible. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for the contribution.